Friday 18 April 2014

What You Can Learn From Furreal Monkey Reviews

There is really no getting around it, at one point in your life you will have to learn how to buy the right toy for your child. While that may seem like an easy task, the truth is it can be quite difficult especially if you are a first time parent. Thankfully the internet exists so that you can be well informed with almost any decisions that you make in your life. While buying the right toy is not exactly a life and death matter, being able to give the perfect one that will really make your child happy even for just a while can certainly mean a lot. 

So what exactly should you be looking for? If you have a daughter, dolls and stuffed toys will be the most obvious choices. However, your daughter probably owns a lot by now especially if you have relatives and friends who are fond of giving gifts to young children. As such you really should consider something more unique than this. I would personally recommend that you have a look at the brand Hasbro and that you search for it on Google. You will find that this particular brand sells toys that are nothing short of amazing. What I am talking about is the product line called Furreal.

Furreal – amazing in a lot of different ways

The first thing you should know about this particular product line is that they actually like a stuffed animal. As such, they are cute, furry, and of course huggable. However, there is something more special about them inside. The truth is these products were actually designed to function like robots. Given the right inputs or stimulus they can respond interactively to your child so that they are able to move and speak very similar to the real animals that they are trying to resemble. One particular animal that I found quite interesting is cuddles the monkey. Cuddles are basically a baby monkey with a diaper and a milk bottle that also looks like a banana. 

If you read some Furreal Friends Monkey reviews on the internet, you will find that this particular toy is currently very popular and a lot of children really enjoy playing with it. Cuddles the monkey can be held in both of its arms and hanged as if it was hanging on branches and it will make monkey noises that are quite funny. You can also lie it down in your arms and it will simulate sleeping as it can close its eyes gently and even start snoring. Naturally you can put the milk bottle on its mouth and can also simulate feeding.

What Cuddles can teach your child

In many Furreal monkey reviews you will find that the advantage of having a toy like this in your house is that it teaches your child to care for something other than herself. As this particular monkey is very similar to a baby, you can prepare your child for the responsibilities of being a big sister someday or perhaps owning a pet soon.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Furreal Animals – Buying The Right One for Your Child

If you search the internet now for trends when it comes to toys for children above four years of age, you will be able to encounter a lot of articles and commercials about Furreal Animals. This is because this particular toy line have become quite popular all over the world as they have offered something that is quite extraordinary and have never been seen before in the toy industry.

While these Furreal Animals may seem like your ordinary set of stuffed toy at first glance, they can certainly do a lot more than that. Kids of almost any ages will enjoy playing with these toys as they are interactive and they can respond to different things and not just stay stationary. 

The secret behind Furreal Animals

The truth is these toys were originally created by Sega, the Japanese company behind tons of video games back in 1980’s and 90’s. They have designed these toys with robotic technology so that it can be played with and actually respond to certain types of stimuli. What does this mean exactly? Well if you perform certain movements like tickling the tummy of a Furreal animal, or touching its head, it can react by laughing or making animal sounds and even performing animal movements very similar to its real life counterpart. This is what Furreal by is Hasbro is really about. It copies the actions of the real life animals so that they can act as if they are pets inside your house as well.

Better than actual pets in some ways

Furreal Animals can in fact be treated almost like a pet. Of course it will not walk around your house or follow complicated commands however with these types of toys you can actually teach your child what it would be like to care for a real pet. With a Furreal toy, you can simulate feeding and sleeping time easily, and in some cases even changing the diaper. If you give enough instructions to your child and tell her the importance of doing these things in a regular basis, she will begin to understand the responsibility that comes along with owning a real pet. 

The good news is of course these are still robotics so these toys don’t need to be fed with real food and they will not go around your house peeing on different parts of your living room. There is definitely no mess to clean at all. As long as your child keeps playing with this toy, and you are able to observe that she is indeed interested in owning a real pet and she has the capability to take care of it; then you will be able to make a good decision as to whether or not she is in fact ready for a real one. 

Some Things to consider before buying

While Furreal is available now in many different stores, you might want to think about looking for one on the Internet. A lot of websites now are selling this product at a cheaper price as compared to the standard retail price. This can save you 20 to 30 dollars if you just spend some time doing your research.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

7 Words of Advise for Buying Amazing Kids Toys

Taking a trip through the toy store, looking for the perfect treat that will put a smile on a young person's face, can be a daunting task. There are hundreds to choose from with so many vibrant sounds, colors, and themes. There are some amazing toys out there that will help your child to learn, grow, and have fun if you know what qualities to look for.

Look for Quality

Purchasing toys that are made of quality materials will lengthen their life span, and save you some money in the process! Let's face it, kids throw their toys around and you don't want to have to replace them every 2 weeks because they are broken. In the world of toys, cheap really is cheap! High quality toys can also be recycled to other kids once your child has outgrown them.

Age Group Safety

Toys that are purchased new have appropriate age groups listed on the packaging. It is important to be mindful of this when making the decision to purchase toys. Some toys have little pieces and parts and can be choking hazards for toddlers; the goal is to make the child happy with their new treasure, not spend to the evening in the emergency room.

You can Find Out More on kids toys in this article.

The Learning Experience

Kids love the sense of accomplishment that they feel when they have discovered something new, or made something work. Finding toys that offer learning experiences will not only be fun for the child, but will also make mom or dad smile when the child looks at them with the whimsical "I did it!" face. Simple shape and mechanical toys are perfect for young kids, while building toys and puzzles are great for the minds of the older ones.

Toys That Tell a Story

Imagination is one of the foundations of intellect as it helps a child to take elements of real experiences and form them into new ideas. Finding toys that allow a child to pretend and tell a story will help their mind to develop. Kids love to play dress up, pretend to cook, build a mini empire, and all of the other things that they observe their parents and others around them do everyday. Toys that can be used to help act out a pretend event are perfect for little minds.

Learning the Art of Sharing

If your child has siblings or ever ventures out on "playdates," toys that are meant to be shared will alleviate many arguments! The key to finding a good toy for sharing is to look for one that requires multiple kids to play with it. Games are perfect for multiple players as the children have to strategize and communicate with each other to accomplish the goal.

Getting Exercise

Just as a good diet is important for developmental growth, so is getting plenty of exercise. Baseballs, basketballs, soccer balls, and other toys that require your child to run around outside and play will give them some much needed exercise. Outdoor toys are great for adults as well because the parent can partake in the fun and play a game with their child.

Don't Forget to Grab a Good Book

At the end of a long hard day, one of the best things a parent can do is snuggle with their child and read a good story together. Books offer kids the opportunity to imagine the story in their mind and to practice reading with the parent. Good reading skills are important in life and can be promoted even when the child is a baby.

When looking for the perfect toy for your child remember to keep development and quality in mind. A great toy can assist your child grow on so many levels, and bring him or her hours of fun and enjoyment.

Cool Video On FurReal Money Toy Features